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Explanatory note about the 16 round of bidding of the ANP Blocks

Publicado: Quarta, 17 de Abril de 2019, 18h05 | Última atualização em Sexta, 31 de Mai de 2019, 16h30

Brasília (17/04/2019) – In regard to the news published by the press about the decision of the President of IBAMA, Eduardo Bim, which allegedly went against conclusions presented in the technical information from the Institute’s analysts, IBAMA clarifies that:

The carrying out of an auction does not mean automatic authorization for oil and gas exploitation or exploration, nor the environment licencing of the activity, which includes the technical analysis of the environmental feasibility of the enterprise and only happens after the ANP auction is over. The recommendations contained in the Technical Information n° 7/2019-COPROD CGMAC/DILIC, such as the need for the modelling of oil dispersion, will be required as determined by law within the framework of environmental licensing that is managed by IBAMA and supported by Environmental Impact Assessments (« Estudo de Impacto Ambiental e seu Relatório - EIA/RIMA »).

In previous ANP bid rounds, such as the 5th*, 6th*, 11th, 13th and 14th, area blocks that are even nearer to the Abrolhos Marine National Park were offered. In such occasions, there was not an Environment Assessment of Sedimentary Area (AAAS) concluded for these offered areas.

The technical team had concluded through the Technical Information n°7/2019- COPROD/CGMAC/DILIC that the Environment Assessment of Sedimentary Area (AAAS) should be performed before the auction. However, Inter-ministerial Ordinance n° 198, of April 5th, 2012, which sets forth the AAAS requirement, established that:

“Art.27. The areas in which activities of exploitation and production of oil and natural gas will be authorized, whereas such areas are not yet covered an AAAS study, as established in this Ordinance, the environmental sensitivity will be defined by the Ministry of Mines and Energy and the Ministry of Environment, together, according to the guidelines established by the National Council for Energy Policy – CNPE.”

The Article 6° of the Resolution of National Council for Energy Policy (CNPE) n° 17/2017 presents similar guidance in its 2nd paragraph.

IBAMA’s President analysed the technical information n° 7/2019- COPROD/CGMAC/DILIC and did not agree with the document in its entirety. In a letter, Mr. Eduardo Bim recommended that the “joint statement of MME and MMA points out the environmental control and protection measures suggested in this Technical Information so that the bidders in the auction know in advance what will be required within the framework of environmental licensing.

The joint letter from MMA and MME (through the presidents of the National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Biofuels; and of IBAMA), considered feasible the inclusion of the seven blocks for the ANP public hearing and incorporated the environmental recommendations of the technical team.

Additional information (in portuguese):

• Technical information n° 7/2019-COPROD/CGMAC/DILIC

• Official letter n° 237/2019/GABIN

• Map of the 13th round and 16th round blocks

• Map of the 6th round blocks


Assessoria de Comunicação do Ibama
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